Razia on the day of Muhammad died in the house where the

“When I got back after the Armistice I didn’t pay a great deal of attention to my affairs, I’m afraid. I was glad to be home and wanted to make the most of peace. I left my partner to manage everything, and I suppose I more or less let things slide for two years..

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What it smells like: A soft clean floriental. There is a spicy kick from the ginger early on, mingling with some mild fruity notes mango peach jam? which gives it some verve, but it is not a fruit bomb by any means, nor is it overly sweet, and once the ginger fades, it’s not an edgy or assertive fragrance. The tuberose, to my nose, has been twisted into something that smells like molecular fractions of orange blossom and something else flowery it could be tuberose, who knows.3 There aren’t enough of the sharp and/or dirty bits remaining to tell any tales.

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