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Valentino Replica Bags Models walk the runway at the Louis Vuitton Cruise Show at the Bob and Dolores Hope Estate on Wednesday, May 6, 2015, in Palm Springs, Calif. (Photo by Rich Fury/Invision/AP)(Photo: Rich Fury/Invision/AP)All of those big, black luxury limo buses seen idling in front of some of the valley’s poshest hotels in early May gave a brief, unexpected and much welcomed tourism boost during the beginning of the Coachella Valley’s slower offseason.The Louis Vuitton fashion show highlighting the French luxury brand’s resort collection ushered in hundreds from the international fashion world, bringing a jolt to what would generally be fairly flat occupancy at hotels such as the Ace Hotel Swim Club, Parker Palm Springs and Ritz Carlton Rancho Mirage.Overall, the Coachella Valley’s hotel occupancy in May was 57.1 percent, up 0.5 percent. However, hotel occupancy in Palm Springs was 59.5 percent, rising 2.4 percent compared to May 2014; and hotel occupancy was 59.2 percent in Rancho Mirage, up 4.8 percent, according to Smith Travel Research, a hotel industry analysis firm.Average daily hotel rates in the valley have been on a northward climb for months, and May was no exception. Valentino Replica Bags

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