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The Electronic Frontier Foundation opposes the proposal and has commented on it individually and as part of a larger coalition. “CBP specifically seeks ‘information associated with your online presence Provider/Platform Social media identifier’ in order to provider DHS ‘greater clarity and visibility to possible nefarious activity and connections’ for ‘vetting purposes,'” reports EFF. Persons to invasive device searches at ports of entry with the intent of easily accessing any and all cloud data.”.

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The bad news is this botched job to blow up an airliner

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Police said Mr. 220. He was only about 120 yards from his pickup truck.. The bad news is this botched job to blow up an airliner appears to be a real attempted terrorist act. And that means that, in spite of the TSA’s best efforts, individuals bent on self destruction will find their way onto planes. In this case, fast action by other passengers and crew members helped minimize the damage to the aircraft..

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Yet some artists are giving the tea bag a second life

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