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The daughter of a bank employee and a General Electric factory worker, Banks grew up in Pittsfield, Massachusetts, the eldest of four. “I said I grew up poor once, and now my parents are upset with me,” she said. “So I grew up middle class.

But cooking seafood can be intimidating, especially when making food for a crowd. And so Jenice Yu and a handful of local chefs recently threw an impromptu barbecue at Kitsilano Beach to show us just how easy it can be. (Fresh Ideas Start Here) in Burnaby, which is soon to open its second location, this one in Kitsilano.

The BAGnewsNotes site began in June 2003. Originally, it was the home for a civics tool/ visual experiment/political cartoon called BAGnews. Beginning in mid 2004, however, spurred by the photo coverage of the Bush Kerry presidential campaign, Shaw turned his attention to this new “discipline” the visual analysis of political images..

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It is believed that the man ingested a small quantity of fentanyl before going into medical distress.The man has since died in hospital.Abbotsford Police Department Major Crime detectives and Drug Enforcement Unit officers are investigating.Last month, the BC coroner said fentanyl was believed to be linked to 13 overdose deaths in the Fraser Valley. Fentanyl is an opioid used to manage severe pain in cancer patients. It’s similar to heroin and oxycodone but it is far more potent.

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