Our conclusion is that the validity of the assumption is

There was a sting in the tail also for union backed industry superannuation funds, which have been vocally critical of the banks attempts to increase their share of the pensions market. The inquiry will explicitly look at whether members money is put to any purpose that is in the best use of members. Is disappointing that the government is seeking to deflect from the real and systemic problems plaguing the big four banks, by including the superannuation system in this inquiry, Eva Scheerlinck, chief executive officer of the Australian Institute of Superannuation Trustees said.

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But now I feel like my life is on hold because I owe to my

If Israel had half a brain it would coordinate with US an upgrade of sanctions/boycott against Hamas in Gaza. US should twist EU’s arm to also support this. Condition of return to the status quo should be release of Gilad Shalit.

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