Wordiness, grammar problems and spelling errors are great ways
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Using colours is not the important lesson. The key is to know exactly what information is most critical to the person reading your application preferably just a few essential sentences and to make it as easy as possible for the reader to absorb that information. Wordiness, grammar problems and spelling errors are great ways to distract your reader avoid them.
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Fire at library occurred one week later. Actual photograph confiscated as evidence. 1986, photographer: Mary Thomas, missing since June 13th, 1986..
So why is my closet exploding? Freud would diagnose my subconscious as making up for the Catholic school limitations by overindulging. Or, perhaps, trying to find myself after divorce. Or, maybe, I more like an actor, choosing costumes for each and every role.
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The willingness of Ms. Mills and Ms. Samuelson to have their laptops destroyed by the FBI contradict their claim that the laptops could have been withheld because they contained non relevant, privileged information? Goodlatte asked.
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